New perspectives on Drugs!

Two episodes of the podcast: The Reason Interview with Nick Gillespie

Carl Hart: Drug Use for Grown-Ups, Jan 30, 2021

This podcast definitely made me think. Carl is challenging our perceptions of who drug users are and what the war on drugs is about. He doesn’t think there should be a hierarchy of drugs where prescriptions, nicotine, cannabis and even psychedelics are accepted over others like heroin. He argues that a person either uses drugs responsibly or not. It’s not about demonizing the drug of choice. If you aren’t handling your responsibilities, then you’re immature, with or without the use of drugs.

Really interesting listen: here.

Charles Wininger, Why We Should Listen To Ecstasy and Other Psychedelics, Dec 30, 2020

Charles discusses his new memoir and practical guide: Listening To Ecstasy: The Transformative Power of MDMA

MDMA is heading towards legalization and this episode discusses what responsible use of the psychedelic can look like.

Have a listen: here.

Cut Corners

It’s been a long time since I’ve been out here blogging! This year, I am called to curate some magical multi-media here on the internet diaries. I got an actual 21 megapixel camera to complement the new adventure. My own page and my own photos shared on my own terms. No need for social or their awkward algorithms. Of course, I am serving this blog up with a smattering of inspirational materials from other sources that I digest on the daily. You’re welcome. 😉

When I graduated college in 2006, I started “such is, the case” on Blogspot to serve as my personal online gallery. My parents gave me an 8 megapixel camera as a graduation present. I was living at 420 Laporte Ave in Fort Collins, Colorado. Here we are 14 years later in Phoenix, Arizona dusting off the old blog and camera. Cheers to carving out a space to breathe, chase our passions and be back in the blogger-sphere.

My friend gave me some green HoJi Cha and black Winter Chai tea. It resonated with my craving for a daily ritual that relaxes and soothes. Tea pervades across the entire globe, preceded by ceremony and circumstance. So I purchased several herbal teas while we were visiting Jerome, AZ. The packages listed ingredients but no brand name or instructions. So when we got home, I went looking to learn the best time, temperature and ratios to use when brewing.

What I found is that there are many traditions of tea, but it is all the same leaf- one plant around the world called camellia sinensis. Depending on the processing, tea becomes white, green, black or even Pur’eh! I also read about herbal infusions like rooibos, hibiscus, mate, mint, nettles, mullein, osha- deliciously endless possibilities. From the webpage I was browsing, I popped over to the shop and started recognizing the blends: turmeric and nettles? rooibos and hibiscus? These are the very teas that I just purchased! Funny coincidence.

Most herbal and black teas are brewed at 212 degrees for 5-7 minutes; for green tea, let the water cool to 175 degrees and only brew for 2-3 minutes.

vegemite toast
Vegemite Toast

With a little practice, I brewed the HoJi Cha well today. Along with the tea, I’ve been eating vegemite toast for breakfast since my friend went back to Colorado.

You see, my friend also brought me a jar of vegemite! She had me sniff it a dozen times before I even tried it. In Australia it is spread thin on toast with butter. My cousin tells me it’s called Marmite in England. It is quite yummy, but definitely an acquired taste.

It’s the cut that counts

Each day, a ritual goes

Thanks for toast and tea

Vege you will and vege you won’t;

Vege ya do and vege ya don’t;

Vege ye maybe and vege-ye-mite!