For the birds

Busy season is over and I’m enjoying backyard bird watching again. A towhee came running down the wall, chased by another, as always. (Eating the mantis aka my spiritual advisor gave em a good power up.)

The starlings are roosting in the saguaro. Their babies chirp as the sun sets.

A woodpecker drops in on the palm tree, just under another starling in it’s nest. Treetop neighbors.

Bird Housing

Mockingbird in the palm

There are lots of birds on our block: curve billed thrashers galore, mockingbird, hummingbirds and a handful of starlings. Mostly they nest in the palm and saguaro next door.

When mockingbird is singing atop the palm tree, we hear it all through our house.

Hummingbird perches on the ocotillo and visits our aloe blossoms daily. Their nest is below the crown of the palm tree and they land on the dried seed shoots that hang from it.

Today the landscapers came and skinned the palm tree. I am so sad to think of the birds being homeless now!

Skinning the palm tree

I went to a friend’s house to play tennis. There were mockingbirds singing in the trees and a hummingbird perched atop the tree behind me. It gave me a new perspective on my local bird cohabitants. Instead of the individual, I connect with the universal mockingbird energy. I know they are all over the valley, busy with the task of surviving and thriving.

My neighbor birds are rebuilding a new, secure and cozy nest nearby. They are rebalancing with ease because they are resilient! I took all the clumps of my hair from the shower and placed them in the backyard. My offering of building supplies for their new endeavors. Sending them my love!

Today there are finches in the palm tree bark and a woodpecker on the crown. I see mockingbird go whooshing between houses. Hummingbird is on another bush a little ways off. They are adjusting to change beautifully. I hope I can do the same.