Stop the drama; Start a new life

This book changed my perspective on every social interaction I’ve had since. I feel like I cannot unsee what it showed me! Every one can benefit from reading this e-book, “Stop Being a Victim! The Secret to Inner Happiness” by Sharon Stewart. It’s affordable, short and life-changing. I highly recommend!

I wish I could buy this in print. It is definitely worthy of the home library. Here are some excerpts that really resonated with me:

Meme Magic

I found an app that has enabled my meme creation problem/gift. Now I’m the star of my own memes!

I am visiting Maryland where I grew up. Mom has all these books I made as a kid. I joked that it was the start of my meme making. I would cut photos of animals out of magazines and caption them. I’ve included some of these early vintage memes below.