Jimminy in the cabinet

I guess we are really really really lucky cause we’ve had a cricket take up residence in our kitchen for the past couple weeks!

Every night they sing and I follow the sound (warmer… colder… warmer…) until I zero in on their exact location. For a week it was the cabinet to the left of the stove. Last week it was a different cabinet! Then a couple days ago, jiminy went over to the hutch.

I suspect this magical adventure is sponsored by Elvis, who is a professional cricket catcher and loves to share his catch with the family.

Cricket Cabinet

PS- Hope you enjoyed my dusty cupboard! 😬

Rare Footage

Happy Camper

As you know Biggie Smalls jumps the fence a hundred times a day to patrol his domain.

Today, Elvis made a dash for it and somehow eluded a camera notification!! When he came running up the front sidewalk, I went back through the footage to find this special moment in time.

Elvis and the gate

Biggie’s Little Loop

Cat Route Around the House

I’ve slowly, SLOWLY let the cats outside under extreme “hover-cat-mom” supervision. They are both well trained to return home with a couple claps out the back door. Most of the time, they come inside in their own and start napping, cause it’s over 110 degrees!

Elvis camps out in the backyard like a zen master. He’s very conservative.

Biggie Smalls is our wild child adventure seeker. His latest game is to exit the back door, jump the gate and come back through the front. When my gate camera gets triggered, I know to answer the door for him and he knows to be there!

Biggie Smalls scales the walls

Cat/wasp misunderstanding

Elvis the cat gets a rude Awakening as he swats at a golden wasp! I tell him to stop it. Sixty seconds later, he jumps, runs and bites vigorously at his front paw. Almost immediately it shows inflammation, but Elvis is stoic.

When he comes to bed and kneads my belly, it looks normal. But momma knows he is only applying pressure to the uninjured paw. My poor fur baby!

He is a tough cookie; I am cookie dough.

I learn from a Pollinator Group, that golden paper wasps hunt caterpillars. I notice them in one corner of the yard and on the fig tree. They love my neighbors squash and watermelon flowers.

I also see solitary mud dauber wasps visiting the fig tree. They are hunting spiders. The wasps are helping to keep pests off of the plants.

And from now on, I imagine, the wasps will keep Elvis the cat from pestering them too! These wasps are serious about controlling pests AND pesterers! Be nice around the wasp and they will be nice to you.

Here’s a photo from the next day- still a little puffy.